Why is the grass on the other side greener?
2019.10.07 — Thoughts Afloat
Today’s thoughts afloat come thanks to a wise Dutch woman I know — Naomi Koelemans.
Looking at someone else’s Instagram story and thinking:
“God, their life must be great”
“Oh wow, she travels so much”
“She has so many friends”
“He is so fit! Look at those abs”
“She is doing so well in her life, wow”
And then a small voice at the back of your head whispers:
“Why am I not there yet?”
“Why is my life not so great yet?”
“Why am I not in a perfect relationship like him / her?”
“Geez, what’s wrong with me? Because my life isn’t like that now…”
Why is the grass on the other side greener?
Because from far away you do not see the dirt.
The next time you’re swept away by someone else’s perfect life on social media, remember:
- You see what they want to show. Don’t judge the whole movie by one scene.
- You might be at different stages in your journey. Don’t compare your first few scenes with someone else’s last few scenes. Don’t fall prey to the #TheyMadeIt syndrome.
- You’re the only one who truly knows what you’re going through. The good and the bad.
- Easiest way to lose track of your story (your script) is by constantly watching everyone else’s.
Now, replace “You” → I. Read the above sentences again.
All grass has and needs dirt beneath to grow. Focus on yours.
A wonderful proverb in my mother tongue Kannada to sum this up:
“ಎಲ್ಲರ ಮನೆ ದೊಸೇನೂ ತೂತೇ”
“ellara mane dosenu tute”