Wall-Starers vs Wall-Breakers
2019.10.30 — Thoughts Afloat
Today’s Thoughts Afloat comes thanks to this quote from Randy Pausch:
“Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.”
When faced with problems (walls) — situations which require creation of a new protocol, rather than falling back upon a previously established one, there are two buckets people can fall under based on how they respond:
- Wall-Starers and
- Wall-Breakers
- can look at the wall;
- can describe the wall well;
- can explain why it should not be crossed;
- can offer many (almost every) way why crossing it will not be possible and
- on many occasions recruit others to do the same and stay safe.
- can pick out the cracks in the wall;
- can find, if not many, at least one way how they could try crossing it;
- are okay with momentary discomfort and “un-safety” (not danger);
- have a burning desire to want what is on the other side or
have a burning curiosity to see what is on the other side; - are not always certain their efforts will be successful but are at least willing to try.
It usually takes one “breaker” to make a difference amidst many “starers”
Now think about this:
The number of walls that needed to have been broken, but still remain intact, because the “breakers” were quelled by the “starers”.