A Dichotomic Life

Living From Two Seemingly Opposite Places

2020.10.25 — Week 43 — Thoughts Afloat

Vishwas Katti


These #ThoughtsAfloat were sparked thanks to a short argument with the wise Naomi Koelemans.

Question: Are you currently happy in life?

Answer: Yes and no.

Yes — I am extremely grateful for what I have already.

  • Happy with the life I have built for myself so far
  • Thankful to the wonderful people in my life and their good health
  • Grateful for having good food, clean water and a roof over my head

No — I am deeply dissatisfied with what I have done so far.

  • Seeing how much more can be done to make my world a better place
  • Seeing that there are so many more problems to be solved everyday
  • Knowing that contribution knows no upper limit

Having that said, imo, dreaming small is crime.

At least keep your dreams big, because the world / reality / practicality (whatever you choose to call it) will sober them up anyway. So why do it yourself?

It is sometimes difficult to explain how it is possible to not only possess, but to also live from these two seemingly opposite places of deep gratitude and deep dissatisfaction, simultaneously.

Closing Thoughts

Do you catch my drift? If you do, let me know!

Would be super interesting to know your thought process and why you think the way you do 🙂



Vishwas Katti

Create to learn. Create to assimilate. Screw small talk. Thoughts afloat, learnings and stories documented. More on Instagram / Twitter @thekattingedge