Age gracefully — Recruit your tribe
2019.10.06 — Thoughts Afloat
1 min readOct 6, 2019
What sparked this post:
- Meeting my parents in the US (2019 July)
- Observing how people grow older and live in their final moments in old age homes here in Western Europe (Belgium / Netherlands)
- Seeing my community grow older with me
The thoughts afloat:
- High expense lifestyles just to “keep up with the Joneses” is one of the biggest traps to fall into
- What I think you really need in life:
- Good food, water, air and people
- Living in a healthy body
- Contributing to a cause you care about and helping people as a result
- Being in nature
- A decent income to support yourself and the people you love - Start recruiting your tribe asap. Surround yourself with the people who:
- Have similar ideas of what one really needs (above)
- Value the same things as you
- Also believe that companionship, support systems and community living are important as you grow older
In closing:
- Life is not one of those races that I want to finish alone.
- Well, the reality might be that I will finish alone. But I’d rather have my tribe around in as many moments as possible
Check this awesome video if you haven’t already yet.